Lovely sole fillets coated in egg and flour and then pan-fried until crispy and golden. Served with a luscious lemon and butter sauce. A quick, easy and delicious fish...
This pork Diane is pork tenderloin medallions topped with a Diane-inspired sauce of creamy mushrooms. Classic flavours in an easy, weeknight-friendly dinner. While steak Diane is the classic, bringing...
A cozy, creamy broccoli cauliflower soup with cheese, added carrot and a bit of potato for a lovely thick texture. This creamy, cheesy broccoli cauliflower soup is a perfect,...
You’ll be surprised at how easy it is to make homemade pumpkin puree from pie pumpkins. The resulting pumpkin puree is perfect to use for pumpkin bakes or savoury...
These individual maple apple Dutch baby pancakes make a perfect dessert or they are also lovely as a breakfast or brunch treat. I have always loved Dutch baby pancakes...
Delicious, creamy pumpkin risotto topped with double-smoked bacon, balsamic glaze and goat cheese. A fabulous side dish or enjoy it as a main. Pumpkin risotto is a perfect way...