This coconut milk fish is a delicious way to enjoy fish for dinner, with a creamy coconut, ginger and turmeric sauce and oven-roasted cherry tomatoes. A one-pan meal that’s...
Rolled oats combine with maple syrup, pumpkin puree, pecans, pumpkin seeds (pepitas), warm spices and dried cranberries in this easy and delicious pumpkin granola. Bring a little Fall to...
A delicious chicken casserole with boneless chicken combined with broccoli, all in a poppy seed cheese sauce and topped with a crispy buttered cracker topping. I have been making...
Light and airy focaccia, topped with cinnamon-coated apple chunks and all topped with a classic fritter glaze. A great Fall treat and a great way to enjoy all the...
This tomato and cheese mushroom toast is a warm, open-faced sandwich that makes a fabulous meatless and vegetable-rich lunch or dinner. This open-faced mushroom toast with cheese, onions and...
A classic creamy coleslaw dressing recipe that is perfect for dressing bagged coleslaw mix or for a homemade coleslaw salad. A back-pocket creamy coleslaw dressing recipe for dressing any...
Baking with yeast is one of my favourite things to do. My happy place. My therapy :) I have a nice collection of yeast bread recipes, bun and roll recipes, both sweet and savoury.