
Hi! I’m Jennifer and I am cooking my way through the seasons in beautiful Muskoka, Ontario, Canada. Seasons and Suppers is where I get a chance to share what’s cooking in my kitchen throughout the year. Thanks for stopping by and happy cooking! – Jennifer Maloney
Contact Me!
I’m always happy to hear from readers, so feel free to contact me anytime with questions or comments – [email protected]
So what’s cooking here?
Is it enough to say delicious stuff? Yeah, probably not. Ok then, so I love to cook and eat simple, seasonal and delicious food.
I love spending time in the kitchen, cooking and baking and enjoying the best of every season, whether it’s Winter comfort food or Summer meals on the grill. I eat all the foods, except, of course, the ones I don’t like (looking at you olives :).
I try to keep a healthy balance, indulging in some foods less often than others. I try to follow Michael Pollan’s mantra “Eat Real Food, Not Too Much, Mostly Plants” Truth be told, I struggle with the “mostly plants” part. It definitely doesn’t come naturally to me, but I’m working on it :) #FoodGoals
So you’ll find a bit of everything here – seasonal and healthy; hearty and comforting; sometimes a little bit sinful … but trying to find that healthy balance and always … real food, done delicious.
A bit more about the cook and her resident taste-testers
I am a home cook, schooled by trial and error and almost 40 years of getting dinner on the table. I also love to eat delicious food, which is probably my biggest motivation for cooking :) I’ve learned that eating well doesn’t have to involve lots of time, money or fancy ingredients. I also believe that if I’m making it myself, in my own kitchen, from good and fresh ingredients, I’m already a good part of the way to eating well.
I have been married for almost 40 years, too and am the mother of 2 now grown children. Our kids have left the nest, so we are now adjusting to being empty-nesters. So while I’m “cooking for two” a lot these days, I still remember what’s it’s like to feed a family, so I try to add family-friendly tips to the mix, when I can.
My husband is a “meat and potatoes” kind of guy. Over the years, he’s gradually come around to accepting that not every meal has to include meat and potatoes. I’m thankful for that, because I love to explore new flavours.
A Few of my Favourite Recipes!
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Photography Usage/Round-up Requests
Fellow bloggers are free to use one photo from any recipe post in round-up type posts, with attribution by linking the photo and with an accompanying link back to the original recipe post on my site.
It’s cool to post any of my photos on Pinterest or Tumblr (or a similar photo-sharing site), providing the photo links back to the respective recipe page. And thanks for sharing!
The Fine Print (or what’s cool and what’s not)
It’s cool to use any recipe you find on this site on your site (recipes are for sharing!) BUT … If posting on your own blog, please take your own photos and re-write the instructions into your own words. A link back to my original post would be cool, especially if the recipe is original (doesn’t indicate it was adapted from another source).
It’s not cool to post both my photos and recipe copy (re-written or not) on your site or post it onto a recipe sharing site. After all, if you’ve posted all the content on your site (or another site), what reason would anyone have to visit here? And since I’m the one who bought the ingredients, cooked it, photographed it and wrote it up, I figure it’s not too much to ask that visitors enjoy the content on my site (and not yours or theirs). It’s really only fair, right?
It’s not cool to use any photos from this site in any manner other than that detailed above (with a link back to my site).
All photos are © Seasons and Suppers. Always and forever. When in doubt about use, please email me for permission. I’m nice. I am usually happy to share.
Last updated: July 2, 2023